2009/2/8 Anton Staby <anton.st...@mail.tele.dk>

> OpenOffiice.
> Jeg har skrevet og sendt en fil til flere venner , men de kan ikke åbne den
> ?
> Med venlig hilsen Anton

Translation: "I have written and sent a file to several friends but they
can't open it ?" "With friendly greetings, Anton"

You need to either save and send the document in Word (.doc) format: use
File>Save As, choose the appropriate format and make sure "Automatic
filename extension" is ticked (checked) or File>Send>e-mail as Microsoft

or export and send it in PDF format: similar menu options but "export"
instead of "save as".

or get them to install the free reader that will let them open your files:

For information about OpenOffice.org in Danish please visit

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

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