You don't need to remove your name from the OOo e-mail list, assuming you want to ask a question from time to time. What I do is use "Message Rules" in Outlook Express to divert all mail from OOo to a nominated folder. When I have time, I can then search for the subject of my last post (in this case: "Weird Calc problem.?") and read all the replies in one place, or I can scan the whole list for topics if interest, or to which I can reply and hopefully be helpful. When I am done with the current list, I delete it after saving any particularly informative mail.

I am sure you can do something similar with other mail clients and operating systems.

Kind regards,  James

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Weird Calc problem.?

How do I remove my email from open office. I am getting over 100 emails a
day. Arghhhh

In a message dated 1/28/2009 12:42:04 A.M. Central America Standard , writes:

I am  copying and pasting price lists from my main supplier into a calc
worksheet and then increasing their wholesale price by my retail margin,
prior to posting the list onto my own Web site.

Here is what I am actually doing (you may need to widen your e-mail client
screen to make  sense of the data - ie get the lines right):

1. I copy the price list from the supplier Web page and then copy it into M$ Notepad (to remove any formatting other than the tab delimiter) and get
something like  this in Notepad:

EDSXP7300V Small Office Home Office - economy E7300 C2D PC +MS Vista Home
Premium (VHP)   790
EDSXP7300P  Small Office Home Office - economy  E7300 C2D PC  +MS XP
Professional  (XPP)   830
EDSXP7300VM1 Small Office Home Office - economy E7300 C2D PC +MS VHP +19IN
M/M WS  LCD  950
EDSXP7300VM2 Small Office Home Office - economy E7300 C2D PC +MS VHP +22IN
WS LCD  990
EDSXP7300PM1 Small Office Home Office - economy E7300 C2D PC +MS XPP +19IN
M/M WS  LCD  990
EDSXP7300PM2 Small Office Home Office - economy E7300 C2D PC +MS XPP +22IN
WS LCD  1030

2.  I then copy  Notepad into a new, blank spreadsheet and optimise the
column  widths.  The last couple of columns look like this:
column C
Col D
E7300 C2D PC +MS Vista Home Premium         790
E7300 C2D PC +MS XP Professional         830
E7300 C2D PC +MS VHP +19IN M/M WS  LCD  950
E7300 C2D PC +MS VHP +22IN WS LCD         990
E7300 C2D PC +MS XPP +19IN M/M WS LCD  990
E7300 C2D PC  +MS XPP +22IN WS LCD         1030

3.  I  then us a formula to calculate the retail price where:

wholesale price  in cell D1 = $790
mark-up is $200
Retail price is recorded in cell E1 =  D1+200

4. One would expect the retail price to be 790 + 200 = 990 but according to
Calc it is $200 ????

5.  if I use the formula  E1=D1  I get 790.
if I then edit that formula so  it reads E1=D1+200  I get 200 ?

If anyone can throw some light on  this I would be very much obliged.

Kind regards,   James

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