At 18:05 16/02/2009 -0500, Brian Barker wrote:
At 17:08 16/02/2009 -0500, Tim Deaton wrote:
I'm using OOo Writer v3.01 (OOO300m15 build 9379) on WinXP SP2. The hardware is a no-name PC with an AMD Duron 950mhz processor and 1gb ram.

Whenever I write a letter on OOo and then use |Insert|Envelope| to print the envelope on a #10 envelope, the recipient's address wants to print too far to the right.

When I look at the document formatting (|Envelope|Format|Addressee|Positions|), the "From left" field reads 4.75". But when I get to the "Print Preview" screen, that's only where the "Addressee" box starts. The actual text is INDENTED an additional two inches -- putting it at the extreme right-hand side of the envelope.

The only things I can see that is likely to cause this are the paragraph or paragraph style properties of the address text. How are you inserting the address? If you type it on the Envelope tab of the Envelope dialogue, there should be no problem, but note that if you copy and paste it from the associated letter (or elsewhere), then the formatting of the source text will be carried over. If that is the problem, the solution is simply to use Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste, and choose "Unformatted text" from the available options. That pastes the text but allows it to inherit the formatting of the destination.

Alternatively, the address text in the envelope apparently has the paragraph style "Addressee". Has this style become altered to create the effect you see? Right-click in the address and select Edit Paragraph Style... | Indents & Spacing | Indents. Is there a non-zero figure (perhaps your two inches?) for "Before text" or "First line"? You can correct it there.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Thanks. The "Addressee" style appears to be the problem. I wrote another letter tonite and investigated that. I used a "personal letterhead" template I had created to start the letter. While in the document created from that, I clicked on | Format | Styles and Formatting |, then right-clicked on the "Addressee" style and selected "Edit". It showed a 2" indention for that style.

I then went back to the default blank document that opens when I start Writer and checked the "Addressee" style the same way. It showed a 0" indention.

I have no idea how the 2" indention for that style got into my template in the first place, but I've now edited the template to try to fix the "Addressee" style in that. Hopefully (if I did it right), that will fix the problem.

Tim Deaton

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