   Thanks for the hint. I'll give it a go.


Dotan Cohen wrote:
  Not having used Open office for a while I tried opening a document on my
i686 Linux ( Fedora Core 10 ) linux box. The program starts up then crashes
( see attached debug output ). This happens with Write,Impress and Calc.
Bizarrely if I start up either the Formula editor or the Draw package first
the other programs can then be started up without problems.
  Anybody got any ideas how I can debug this?

Davis, back in my Fedora days I learned very quickly not to use the
official Fedora OOo builds. They remove some components (java related,
I think) and it causes all kinds of problems. Just use the OOo builds,
or better yet, the go-oo builds.

Dr David Cussans                University of Bristol,
office: +44-(117)-95 46879      H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory,
  lab: +44-(117)-33 17199      Tyndall Avenue,
  fax: +44-(117)-925 5624      Bristol BS8 1TL, UK

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