Dotan Cohen wrote:

> I will be honest, I am not too sure about the LGPL, but with regards
> to the GPL anyone can take the source, modify it if he chooses, and

Interesting. Just curious, does it prohibit distributing binaries as well?

> redistribute it. Compiled binaries with additional IP, such as the Sun
> logo, are not fair game. Why do you think that Debian abandoned

If those additional IP and Sun logos are not LGPL or GPL, then if those
are excluded it should make no difference to the rest of the source
code, would it? If they are LGPL or GPL, it should make no difference at

> Firefox for Iceweasel? Mozilla was getting all pissy about their
> Firefox-branded software being redistributed with modifications that
> they did not approve of.

I don't think Firefox was LGPL or GPL, was it? Or perhaps their logos
were not. (I am not clear about the details)


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