Using 3.0.1 Spreadsheet with Windows XP Home Ver 2002 Service
Pack 3; Celeron 3.20 Ghz & 1.48 GB RAM.

1. Open 2 files:- A = small file with data; B = Larger file with 3-4 X-Y
charts & 3-4 sheets with X-Y data in columns.
2. Copy 1 set of X-Y data from file A to File B
3. Save file B
4. Attempt to close file B - program hangs & then crashes.
5. Program recovers file A (not File B) and wants to report crash to
OpenOffice. [As this happens every time I use the program in this way, I
have only reported the error file to Open Office half-a-dozen times - get
acknowledgements only.]
6. File B can be obtained thru 'file - open' - it has been saved OK.
7. As the exercise is to transfer X-Y data sets from A to a series of files
like B, continual crashing becomes a nuisance!
8. If no changes are made to file B, there is no problem in closing the 2
files - problem occurs whenever a change is made to file B.

Have removed & re-installed OpenOffice 3.0.1, but problem still persists.

Occasionally get error message that file 'common.xcu' is corrupt. Deleting
this file from ' ...registry/data/org/openoffice//office' does not prevent

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