Passwords ....
I seem to have a million of them anyway.  What's one more?   ;)

On Windoze, I use Passkeeper to store the whole bunch in a password protected file. On Linux, I use fpm - Figaro's Password Manager.


Gene Heskett wrote:

On Monday 23 May 2005 14:01, G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 10:43 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Monday 23 May 2005 07:30, G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
Please vote for which
addresses your problem.
Well, I would, but there's no place on that page to enter a vote,
either way.
You have to log in to vote.

Obviously. But being a subscriber to this list is easy, but trying to keep track of yet another login/pw combo, unless one keeps a list of login names and associated pw'ds someplace handy, either on the wall or in a file someplace you can remember in 350GB of hard drives, that scenario becomes unworkable when you are required to have 30+ such accounts, all with presumably reasonably secure, unique id's & pw'ds.

Personal opinion:  Subscribers to this mailing list can be assumed
to be legit users of OOo.  If the intention is to make us jump
thru a bunch of login/passwd hoops just to be able to cast a vote,
then this is counterproductive in the extreme.  If you want to
know how we rank a wish, a simple link, directly to the page with
a small description, and 2 boxes, one for yes, one for no, and to
quit without voting just close the browser opened by our clicking
on the link.
I have no control over this.

You would I believe, get you a much higher level of participation,
and with that, a much clearer view of how we will rank our
individual wishlist items.
Well you are entitled to your opinion. I think that logging in is
not such a big deal.

Neither would transfering the list membership into whats effectively an automatic login in terms of total man hours expended by everyone involved...

The biggest problem I could see, as it would render any checks you might do on my ip addy to see if it was me, is that my ip addy doesn't resolve to me. Verizon doesn't give you a static, even if it is for many days at a time. I'd have to setup an account at dyndns. That would make the reverse dns work, but it still wouldn't allow it to be checked to make sure its me as iptables would drop a direct request for anything to that addy. Even the identd port is closed.

So maybe I'm just venting. Gotta do that once a month at least you know.

"There is nothing permanent except change." -- Heraclitus (540-475? B.C.)

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