I create presentations for my students to introduce the evolution process of
some technical details. Animations can make some ideas more intuitive and

I disliked the animation at first. But soon later, I changed my opinion
quickly. [?]Apart from this, a well-animated presentation may challenge the
eyes of most people. I have seen some of them (PowerPoint) which are really
surprising. So a gifted Impress with a wonderful presentation can promote
itself better.

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Web Kracked <webmas...@krackedpress.com>wrote:

> "Cute" animation in a business presentation may
> hurt your message, since it may not look business-like.


光本是佳美的,眼见日光也是可悦的。 Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for
the eyes to 

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