Manfred J. Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 18:48, John Boyle <> wrote:
>> To all: I understand there is a complete manual out on the latest
>> version of OOo! Can anyone tell me where to buy it other than online
>> through Amazon, which I will NOT do, as there system is too full of
>> hackers holes!!!! :-)
> <quote>
> Please don’t buy from the three OOo3.0 books by the
> OOoAuthors team (Getting Started, Writer Guide, and Impress Guide)
> being sold there, because they have been republished by someone not
> associated with OOoAuthors nor (as far as I can tell) associated with
> in any way.
> </quote>
> [Jean Hollis Weber]
> Please have a look →
> "Books by OOoAuthors on are NOT being sold by us"
> <>
> Manfred
To Manfred Krause, Jean Hollis Weber, et al: Now that the answer I was
looking for plus the other one about the PDF version ! To all who
responded positively, Thanks very much!

Old Sarge-John Boyle

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