On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> At 14:10 28/05/2009 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> I have a large table of weekly equity data coming out of another program
>> from which I need to collect a compacted table of the week by week results.
>> The table is currently about 10 years of data with (typically) 5-10
>> lines/week. The input data to calc looks like the following data, somewhat
>> simplified for the sake of this email:
>> Year            Week    Equity
>> 2004            2               374
>> 2004            2               -52
>> 2004            3               154
>> 2004            4               774
>> 2004            5               -426
>> 2004            6               774
>> 2004            6               618
>> 2004            6               622
>> 2004            6               1396
>> 2004            7               644
>> 2004            7               218
>> 2004            9               354
>> 2004            9               178
>> 2004            10              454
>> 2004            10              28
>> The resulting table I want to get in calc should look like this:
>> 2004            2               -52
>> 2004            3               154
>> 2004            4               774
>> 2004            5               -426
>> 2004            6               1396
>> 2004            7               218
>> 2004            8               0
>> 2004            9               178
>> 2004            10              28
>> The final table consists of the last line of a given week number. Note
>> that if a week is missing I need to fill that in with a 0 value.
>> I wonder if someone knows of way to do this.
> Suppose your original table is in columns A, B, and C - and that your new
> table is in D, E, and F.  Create the values in D and E (from row 2 down)
> manually.  In F2, put something such as:
>     =VLOOKUP(E2;B2:C16;2)*(COUNTIF(B2:B16;E2)>0)
> and fill it down the column.
> The VLOOKUP() function searches the first column of the range B2:C16 for the
> value in E2 - the week number - and happily finds the last where there are
> more than one.  The "2" parameter means that you want the value from the
> second column - here column C - returned.  That will do everything you need
> except for dealing with your missing week.  The COUNTIF() function counts
> how many entries there are for the current week; the logical test finds if
> this is non-zero.  If you multiply a number by a logical value, as here,
> FALSE is interpreted as zero and TRUE as one.  The result of multiplying by
> this is not to change the other values but to provide a zero value for the
> missing week.
> If you need to incorporate the year into the test as well as the month, you
> may need to combine these values in some way before using VLOOKUP().
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker

Brian Barker - saving the world one Calc user at a time.

It does help. I'll need to spend some time putting it together but the
idea makes sense.


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