At 12:20 14/06/2009 +0100, Thomas Steel wrote:
Would someone be kind enough to help me with these 2 problems I have with Writer? Both involve intrusions in long files. They have somehow crept in & resist all attempts to remove.

1. A line an inch and a half long with the digit 1 below. I imagine this denotes a footnote, but there are none in this file, as I use only endnotes. Even deleting the whole section (before and after the intrusion) won't work, as the intrusion remains. How can I get rid of it?

If you put the cursor over the figure "1", it should change into a hand with a pointing finger. Click, and focus should move to the anchor for this footnote in the text. When you know where the anchor is, you may be able to investigate what is happening.

Alternatively, open the Navigator using View | Navigator (or press F5). Click the Navigation button and then the Footnote button. The two buttons with blue arrows now become "Previous footnote" and "Next footnote", and you can use these to move focus to and locate footnote anchors.

2. Another file has a blank line inserted before what should be the first line. When I reveal the codes there is indeed a one line empty box here. Again I can find no way to delete it. What do I need to do?

There is no "reveal codes" in Writer, of course: presumably you mean that you have toggled on the display of non-printing characters. But I'm not sure how that would display a "box" that you couldn't have seen before, in fact.

o Is this a frame? If so, click the edge of the frame to select it - so that you see the eight green handles. Then press Backspace.

o Is this a one-row table? If so, put the cursor into the table and go to Table | Delete > | Table. Alternatively, and perhaps more easily, right-click in the table and use Row > | Delete.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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