Rob Clement wrote:
I had a funny with OOo 3.1 this morning. I tried to start the program (double-click the icon on my desktop) and it would not start. Only after a reboot did it work. I do not know if anyone else has had the same problem.

Running Ooo 3.1 using Vista SP2 on an AMD Turion 64 2.0Ghz portable.

Yes I know the anti-windows messages will come out but i have a business to run and do not have the time to use Ubuntu.



Did you turn on the "portable" or just open it up from
sleep/hibernate mode?  Sometimes the system "hiccups"
when waking up from sleep/hibernate modes.  Mostly the
laptops wake up and say its IP address starts with
169. instead 192., but other time program access is
stalled/stopped until I restart.

Sometimes Windows does that.  You have to restart to get
the program running properly.  It happens more with me on
the Vista, but it has happened with XP as well.

I use XP/pro on an AMD64 Athlon 2 gig processor laptop
and a Vista Home Premium on a Pentium Dual-Core 2 gig laptop.
Plus a Win2000/pro server and a XP/home desktop.
OOo 3.1 works well with all four computers and OS's.
Sometimes Rebooting is just needed.  I found MS's OS
need to be freshly rebooted every 5 to 9 days or there
can have errors crop up in operations.  That is one
reason most Businesses I know reboot their MS OS based
servers once a week.  I did that to a server farm every
Sunday night/Monday morning.

Do not worry about anti-windows messages.  I am retired
due to 3 strokes, but I still have to support some businesses,
plus friends, family, and others that want to see a windows
computer using the software instead of saying it works on
windows, but I use Linux and you are fullish to still use
your windows OS.  Next computer purchase, see if you have
time to "upgrade" to "a" Linux distro. Ubuntu is not the
only good distro out there, acourding to the Linux people
I know.  But that is another "Battle of words" as well.

Tim L.
retire and tired of "my OS is better than yours".
Whatever works for you is the best OS for you now.

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