Sorry if I offended you NoOp. I posted an earlier email asking if it would be inappropriate if I posted this survey on this list. Even of one person had objected I would not have posted the survey.


NoOp wrote:
On 06/25/2009 04:38 PM, Ganesha Bhaskara wrote:
Thank you very much for the heads up Andy. I fixed the issue.



Q. This survey has what to do with OOo?

A. Nothing: it's off-topic and has nothing to do with this list.

Please take your request elsewhere.

  Shall we all start posting our homework/work assignments and asking
the hundreds of users on this list to fill out non-OOo surveys? How
about if I post a survey asking about the laws against ferrets in
California, or why Stanford is better than USC (except in football of
course)... you see where this is going?

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