Brian Barker wrote:
In my version (3.1 for Windows XP) this works as you wish. It is possible to resize and move the slide image on the Notes page - even to move it off the page. On individual pages, you can even delete it entirely. Is that what you have done?

Thanks for your response, Brian,
I've had another look at this problem. None of the above apply. It seems that if I create a new presentation from scratch there isn't a problem: the slide appears on the note. However, if I cut-and-paste or otherwise modify older presentations then the slides don't appear on the notes.

Perhaps I did something with a master slide years ago and that's 'contaminated' all slides ever since :-(

You could even try the Windows version ...  ;^)

Indeed, that was my ultimate work-around, but even then it was at best a semi-automatic process. I had notes without graphics. I clicked on Format > Notes Layout and this opened a dialogue box, "Place-holders": checked the Slide Image box and, presto, there it was. But I had to do that for each of the slides I wanted to print a Notes page :-( There doesn't seem to be an equivalent function in Impress.

I guess I'll just have to be aware that where I need notes I'll have to create that presentation from scratch :-)


Windows are a pane

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