As I returned to macro programming after some time away from it, I find I can no longer access the Macro toolbar in the Basic IDE editor. Everything I was accustomed to seeing on the fourth line of the editor, i.e. immediately below the Title bar, the Menu bar, and the Standard toolbar with icons for New, Open, Save, Print, etc., was missing: The Current Library drop-down menu and all the icons for Compile, Run, Step-into, etc..

I am able to make visible the Current Library drop-down menu by clicking View>Toolbars>Dialog; this promptly disappears after I use it to change Libraries.

At the time of my return and prior to discovering the above problem, I ran into some problems that led me to uninstall and re-install OOo 3.1.0. I can't say whether that was when I lost access to the Macro toolbar. It could have been a week or so earlier when I went from OOo 3.0.1 to 3.1.0.

Has anyone else had this experience, or does anyone else know of a "hidden" setting I need to adjust? Do I need to revert to OOo 3.0.1?

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