Brian Barker wrote:
At 21:29 26/07/2009 -0400, Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
Can anyone explain how to get individual bullet points to appear in an Impress presentation?

If I understand you correctly, I think I can.

o Create the text normally and apply bulleting using Format | Bullets and Numbering... .
o  Click on Custom Animation in the Tasks panel on the right.
o  Select the entire text of the first bullet point.
o Under "Modify effect", click on Add... and select the animation required.
o  Under Effect Appear | Start, choose the option required.
o  Repeat for each subsequent bullet point.

Note that if you choose something simple (such as Appear) for the effect and "After previous" for the Start mode for some subsequent bullet points, the default delay appears to be zero - so that a number of points will appear together. To prevent this, right-click later entries in the Custom Animation panel and choose Timing...; set there the delay you wish to see. Alternatively, you may find it more appropriate to use "On click" for the Start mode in each case.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker
To clarify, this needs to be done individually for each and every bullet point throughout the whole presentation. There is no way to set this up for the whole presentation in one go?

Thank you,

Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL      Linux User #333216

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