I have been using Open Office for some time now and have had virtually NO 
problems with it up until recently. A couple of weeks ago, I had to completely 
restore my hard drive from the "Restore CD". After the restore, I had to 
re-download the Open Office software which gave me a newer version (3.1). I had 
the previous version (2.4.1). After the download, I tried to open one of my 
spreadsheets and I kept having an issue. A box kept popping up --- "Group" box. 
When I clicked "cancel", it went away for a second, then popped up again. If I 
hit ok, then it would group the rows or columns (which I did not want), go away 
for a second, then come right back. Bottom line is that I cannot do any work in 
any of my spreadsheets. How do I make this box go away forever?


I thought it might be an incompatibility with the newer version, so I 
uninstalled it & reinstalled the previous version 2.4.1. Same thing happened 
--- the annoying "Group" box.


My instincts are telling me that I've turned on something accidentally that I 
did not obviously intend to & now do not know what I did or how to turn it off. 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You


Penny G Johnson
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President - Key Publishers, LLC

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