In sheet 1 column A there are dates starting from the latest, and in column D there are values. Every year in July I add another 365 or 366 rows at the beginning of the sheet and are dated accordingly, from 7/1 to 6/30 the year before.

Every chart is Lines only and has in the X-axis the dates of column 1 and a line with the values of column D, and covers an new year.

Every July I copy the previous chart and change the data ranges, for example from




Last year, as I remember, this worked fine: as I was adding values in the D column, the line appeared and started progressing in the new chart.

This year, however, something is wrong. No line appeared as I added values to the July dates. And instead of dates at the X axis there were the numbers representing the dates. I opened again the data ranges, and unchecked "First column as label". Now the dates appeared as expected at the X axis, but still there is no line with the values of the D column.

The charts of former years, BTW, had the "First column as label" checked, and they showed OK.

What's wrong?


It ain't THAT, babe! - A radical reinterpretation

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