In OOcalc I wanted to use formula (symbols) and then some mathematical
formula or its description in next cell. For sysmbol is used "Anchored
to Cell", for description, I used "Vertical Alignment: Top". With this
arrangement I was unable to get symbol and description in a line. On
trying to change base point for position of symbol failed. Please see:

On deleting row containing "Beta", it deleted symbol "Beta" as
expected but also deleted symbol "pi", i.e symbol of next line.

File is at:

How I can keep content of a row in a line (align vertically) and why
it deleted two symbol. In other big document, when I inserted a row,
all symbols shifted in wrong manner (It shifted "Description, but not
"symbol" for newly inserted row, i.e. new inserted row had a symbol in
it, i.e for rest of rows it "shifted relatively 1, instead of zero).


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