Robert C. Fraser wrote:
I am using OOo 3.1. I have it on my Windows Vista hard disk and also
on my Linux Mint 7.0 hard disk. I prefer to use Linux.

However, when I have Writer open in Linux and I go to
File-New-Templates and Documents, Writer crashes!

When I have it open in Vista and do the same it seems to work

If in Linux I go to File-New-Formula/Labels/Business Cards it's okay.
And these are listed in Templates and Documents. Which leads me to believe, rightly or wrongly, that there is an issue with Templates
and Documents in Linux Mint.

When I look in both forums I can't find much at all.

If you look at : http://bugs.launchpad/ubuntu/+source/ this
was in Nov 2007 and is what is happening at the moment. Linux Mint is
an off-shoot/based on Ubuntu.

Just a thought. With Ubuntu are you using the fork of OO.O that Ubuntu
provides, or the "real thing". If the former you might get a better
response from a Ubuntu mailing list; the users on this list may not
necessarily know what changes Ubuntu have made to the product.

And given that Mint is a Ubuntu derivative, maybe they also fork a
variant of OO.o?

Peter HB

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