drew einhorn wrote:
> I have a drawing in an .eps file that's pretty close to what I want modify.
> Need to erase some stuff, add some arrows, arcs, labels, etc.
> So far openoffice seems like it might be the program I want.
> But there is some strangeness.
> I can open the file and it looks fine.
> I can pan and zoom to the area I want to work on.
> I can add some arrows.
> But if I pan some more to work on an adjacent area.
> The stuff from the .eps file moves as expected,
> but the arrows stay where they are.
> I want the arrows to move with rest of the drawing.
Sounds like you want to "group" the arrows and the background.
I don't do that with OOo, however, you can probably find what
you want in the help pages under "group".


 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal), Roman 
Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
("Who will protect us from the protectors?")

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