In my copy of OOo 1.1.4 Writer, by default a space of 0.21cm is left after the end of each paragraph and this gap between paragraphs provides an eye-pleasing presentation to the finished document without taking up as much page real estate as a blank line would do.

On the other hand, if I have a list, which by definition is a number of paragraphs because each line is terminated with a CR-LF, I might not want that gap between lines, so I select the list and change the 0.21cm to zero for that part of the page.

This works well for me. However, I have noticed that when I install OOo on other people's computers they do not always have the 0.21cm default gap between paragraphs.

My question is - where do you go to set this default, or alter it to another figure?

Many thanks, James Elliott

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