Eustace wrote:
> How can I scan an image so that the result is the same size as the
> original? I scanned an 11"x8.5" page and its image is 3296px by 2546px
> and when I open it in Firefox it and it appears much bigger. Is there
> a way to direct OOo to scan an image so that it appears on the monitor
> with the same size as the original image?
> emf
What exactly are you trying to create?
Whatever view program you are using you can
usually change the view to "fit window".
You can use a graphics manipulation program
, such as GIMP, Photoshop, etc., to change the
size of the photo.
To view it in Firefox, just hold down the CTRL
button and use the scroll wheel on your mouse
to change the view size or hit the "-" (minus) sign
until it is the size you want to view, larger = "+".
After that remember to resize the view as Firefox
will not reset normally.
Anything else will require more information about
what you are trying to do.
Good luck!


 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal), Roman 
Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
("Who will protect us from the protectors?")

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