OldSarge wrote:
To ALL: First, I wish ALL guru's or othewise being an authority on all of this, would get together on whether to top or bottom. I have had one or more say they do not want to read through old information, but want new on top, and, then I get those who say the convention is to post on bottom!

Here is the "official" statement of convention found at http://www.openoffice.org/ml_guidelines.html

When replying to other people it is customary to intersperse your response with their questions, both so you can answer the actual question that was asked, and so everyone else has some idea what you are talking about. It is also customary to limit your quoting to the minimum possible to get your point across. Take the time to be considerate, remember those subscribers who have slow, expensive connections."

I am replying to you in the manner described for you to see that there are far worse alternatives than top or bottom posting. This manner of interspersed reply was created by a sadist and all of its adherents are sado-masochists in my never-to-be-humble opinion.

Well, it is obvious to me and to anyone who can read, that there
is NO CONVENTION that is generally accepted! Secondly, I am NO TROLL, that description fits those who refuse to help, as per the additional message from someone in need that I included in one of mine!!!! I will post the way I have until someone can get all together and make sure which way it should be! As for my problems with Suse, ...

Oh yeah, they also have the rumblings about stripping out unnecessary text and other stuff. So, because I'm talking about your concern about posting, the problems you're having with SuSe are not important and folks who just tuned in on the thread will have to look elsewhere to pick up those pieces. I hope I'm successfully communicating my opinion of the "official convention." If not, here's a clue for those slow on the uptake: I'm being as sarcastic as I can find how to be.

I personally pefer top-posting. If someone is new to the thread and wants to learn more about the topic of the thread, they are welcome to scroll down and read more - unless it's been deleted by someone following one of the other "conventions." But, whether top or bottom, at least it's possible to find the new material quickly. People who advocate interspersed will be condemned for eternity to operating in that mode while the rest of us are enjoying top-posted heaven or bottom- posted next-to-heaven. Furthermore, people who get their noses bent out of joint by this reponse to the topic deserve to look funny.

Finally, anyone who wants to rag on someone else for where and when to post needs first to get their own life in order. Better yet, they earn a big Foxtrot 169. ;-D


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