Viruses maybe? I doubt it but here:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Gordon <> wrote:

> James Knott wrote:
> > Marcello Romani wrote:
> >>
> >> "Requires Elevation" is a symptom of the increased security measures
> >> that have been implemented in Windows Vista. It's all part of the same
> >> concept that has you confirming that you are the administrator over
> >> and over again.
> >> In other words, "Requires Elevation" is a part of what's called "User
> >> Access Control" or UAC.
> >> There are two or three approaches to dealing with the message.
> >> The term "elevation" simply means that you need a "higher" level of
> >> access to the system than you currently have. The privileges
> >> associated with your current login need to be temporarily raised or
> >> "elevated" to a more privileged or powerful level.
> >> In practice, all this really means is that you need to be the
> >> administrator, or that you need to allow the program trying to run to
> >> elevate itself to administrative privileges by typing in the
> >> administrator password.
> >>
> >>
> > Yet another example of MS "security".  Get users so fed up with
> > "Elevation" that they run as admin, instead of user, opening the door to
> > more malware infections.  You should never need admin rights to work on
> > a common office document.
> Absolutely, and it has never happened here in either Vista or Windows 7
> - so something is happening or has happened on the OP's computer that
> he's not telling us...
> --
> Registered Linux User no 240308
> Say No to OOXML
> gordonATgbpcomputingDOTcoDOTuk
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