The learning curve is high, but yes you can. I have a few recommendations for links:

For the person who wants to know it all, it is in the Developer's Guide. It is cryptic at times, but after you get the hang of it, it is not so bad. The problem is getting the hang of it.

I have other links on my web site here:

I have a free macro document that has numerous examples done in Basic. It is usually easier to practice in Basic, and THEN move to Java. Why? Well, it is complicated. It is something like this: (I cover some of this in my book, which you would need to purchase, but it is aimed at Basic programmers... It would indeed teach the API, which is what you need to learn).

Not completely accurate, but pretty close is as follows: Assume that you have an object such as a document. Objects are composed of services and they implement interfaces. The services define properties and interfaces define methods. If you have an object in Java and you want to call a method defined by the XStoreable interface, then you need to obtain a reference to the XStorable interface from the object and then you can call the methods defined by that interface. So, why is this easier in Basic? Because in Basic, you simply call the method on the object and Basic worries about the rest. So, in Java you need to learn more about the API because you need to know which service defines which method....

I could go on, but it is late... Best of luck...

Voigt, Bjoern (EXTERN: AUEL) wrote:

Hello group,

I want open, manipulate and save open office ducuments in java.
Is this possible. Are there tutorials, how to's and samples?

thanks for help

björn voigt

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
My Macro Book:
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