On 2/5/2010 5:21 PM, Bob Long wrote:
Andreas Saeger wrote:
Andy Chaplin wrote:
If there a simple way to count the number of different values in a range?

If I have a column with a thousand rows and I have different values in
the rows (some of which are repeated)...


The answer I want here is 4. (the total of different entries)

I guess there must be a function for this, but I can's seem to find it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Or a data pilot with the same column as row field and data field with function "Count". http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Calc_Guide/DataPilot

I'm not the original poster, but I tried the data pilot method for interest, but I'm not sure I have worked it out properly. I pasted the sample above into A2:A8, adding a heading "Items" in A1 (and ensuring no trailing spaces in any item cell). Then:

Click on A1
Data Pilot
Current Selection
Drag the "Items" button into "Row Fields"
Drag the "Items" button into "Data Fields"
Double click on "Items - Sum" and change the function to "Count

That's good; I get a table with individual counts for each item and a Total of 7. There are 4 rows of the now grouped items. But is there a way that the Data Pilot process can tell me that "4" as an answer?

I know I can add another formula =COUNT(B13:B16) to get that answer (in this case the data pilot results are in A12:B17) but if the items change the data pilot results change, changing the number of rows in the result, making the COUNT formula incorrect.

Am I missing something?


From what I have found using Excel 03, it is not built-in. Calc's Data Pilot does not seem to feature it either. One of the Excel workarounds was to add a new column to the Pivot data table with the following formula in the data column:


Calc syntax is:


Now you can manipulate the Data Pilot to show only the unique Items (hiding the "0"'s)


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