2010/2/7 Tom Bell <cbel...@cfl.rr.com>

> Larry Gusaas wrote:
> > On 2010/02/06 1:49 PM  Tom Bell wrote:
> >> Suggestions???
> >
> > Ask on the appropriate list. This list is for OpenOffice.org questions
> > and has nothing to do with Thunderbird or KDE
> >
> My apologies, I was in such a rush to ask the kubuntu users list
> that I did not carefully check the address I was sending to.
> Tom
> --
>  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal),
> Roman Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
> ("Who will protect us from the protectors?")

Apologies accepted, Tom ; yours is hardly the worst breach in etiquette to
grace this list !...


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