On 23/02/10 12:15, William Case wrote:
Thanks Harold;

On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 00:18 +0000, Harold Fuchs wrote:

I want to fix (as in 'make permanent') page size and window size in OOo
for Writer and others.

Page size:  The default image of a page on my 22" LCD screen within OOo
window frame is smaller than a real page.  Currently I have it zoomed
through the 'Zoom&  View Layout' dialogue by 105.5% to get the actual
width of a 8½ inch sheet of real paper.  I would like to make this
105.5% the new default 100% so that I can easily zoom sizes up and down
from there.

Window size:  How can I change the opening window size, to accommodate a
new slightly larger default page width.  I am used to using --geometry X
x Y, for example, on Xwindow systems but can't find the equivalent
command flag on OOo.  I would also like to make this new window size
permanent (i.e. default).

In Windows the window size a program uses is remembered when the program
is closed. So, if you open Writer, change the size of its window and
then close it, the next time you open it that changed window size will
be reinstated. This is supposed to work for "well behaved" programs. It
seems to work for OOo. At least it does for OOo 3.1.1 on Vista Home
Premium and on XP Pro. I have to assume it's true in other OSs' window
managers such as KDE or Gnome.

You might have noticed under my signature that I am using Linux Fedora
12.  While the OOo window in Linux performs much the same as in Windows,
it still isn't a default size.  That is I can open and change sizes for
project A but later when I open project B I get A's window sizes instead
of a default.

But that is a secondary problem.  What I would really like is to have a
screen page image that is scaled exactly the same size as a real page.
I know all the tools are available to calculate the placement of various
text and images.  I know; I use them a lot.  But in some cases it is
just simpler to measure things right on the screen and place text of
pictures or balance colour just by eyeballing.  Having the wrong scale
screws that up.

Hi Bill

I just had a little play with my 3.2 (ex OOo downloads) on Ubuntu. I tried setting the scaling of the page on my default template to 105% and it seems to open at that size each time. I then tried opening a writer document I had done previously at 100% and that also opened at 105%. OTOH a spreadsheet opened at 100%, but my calc default template is still at 100%. May be worth playing with?



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