On 03/17/10 13:21, eric wrote:
> Hi,
> Programmer In Training a écrit :
>> I am fundamentally against the GPL (I like what it originally stood
>> for,but RMS and his fanbois at the FSF have drunk the kool-aid) and Sun's
>> dual-licensing requirement. Until then, I'll just report bugs.
> To avoid misunderstanding, OpenOffice.org and OOo4Kids are both LGPL V3
> licensed. This means the backport of any OOo4Kids code into
> OpenOffice.org is possible.
> Regards,
> Eric Bachard

And to be clear, I do not (L)GPL any thing I produce (see sig for the
license I use). Again, I'm more then happy to test and report bugs (as I
love OOo and I think OOo4Kids will be good for younger users like my
nephew), but that's the limit of my contribution. (:

Yours In Christ,

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