Twayne wrote:
Drew Jensen <> typed:
Tanstaafl wrote:
On 2010-03-31 12:18 PM, jonathon wrote:

Tanstaafl wrote:

for cancer, as evidenced by their totally ignoring the
fact that the cause (and cure) for cancer was discovered
decades ago.
And where is the peer reviewed published research that
supports your claim?

Your question merely exhibits your ignorance.

The 'peer review' process, in the context of 'modern
medicine', is simply a way to keep cheap, non-patentable
cures off the market. Otto Warburg won the nobel prize for determining the cause
of all cancer (lack of oxygen at the cellular level) back
in the 1930's. Of course, the modern quacks of today do everything
possible to minimize and even try to discredit his
and therefore there is no money to be made.

You haven't priced vitamin B17 recently, have you? (Which
by the way is patented in the US.)

Laetrile is not the only way to cure cancer, but you are
right - there are many...

Perhaps it's time to actually moderate this list - if some
folks can't help themselves to not go off topic, perhaps
they should be off the list.

That could be easily accomplished by simply ignoring trolls such as this one. No response, no one to upset, no one to argue with, and they'll go elsewhere for their food/power struggle. Proper participant actions can be a lot more effective than a moderator.



The problem is making sure *everybody* confines themselves to "proper participant actions" -- and human nature being what it is, that's just not going to happen. And your definition of such actions may not be the generally accepted one; one person's troll may be another's clueless, but honest, participant. A responsible human in the loop, following published guidelines, can be extremely effective, and that's the approach used by *many* lists. We just can't load a single person down with all the responsibility. Right now, Paul is the owner and only moderator of two active lists, this one and discuss (where all this really belongs, anyway). I'm sure he stays plenty busy just eliminating spam by unsubscribed accounts and responding to list-owner messages.

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