At 08:21 23/04/2010 +0200, Antonello Martino wrote:
As from your request, in replay to the following my previous mail, I give you below detailed information

Da: Antonello Martino <>
Data: 17 aprile 2010 18.22.54 GMT+02.00
In the last days if I save on my MAC OS X 10.6.3 a document word or excel Microsoft Office 2008 (updated 24.3.2010) I cannot read these documents with OpenOffice 3.2.0 updated on 30 march 2010 on my Windows Netbook with 7 starter. Some time ago it was possible (I had the previous version of Open Office). Can you help me ?

I enclose pdf images of made operations:

2) saving document with Microsoft Office 2008

Is it enough to understand my problems ?

Yes. The problem is nothing at all to do with OpenOffice, but with how you are saving your document files from Microsoft Word on your Mac.

Windows recognises file types by the extension to the file name - the three (or so) characters after a dot at the end of the name. But by default Windows suppresses display of these extensions, so you may not see them. (Your Mac system does things differently and does not require extensions.) In fact, you are saving document files without any extension to their names, so Windows does not know what to do with them. Contrary to what you say, you can open these document files in OpenOffice - merely by starting OpenOffice first and then using File | Open... from within OpenOffice to browse to and open the file. Alternatively, you can simply rename the document files to add the necessary extension.

But your screenshot 2 shows the problem. I see you are working in Modalità Compatibilità (= Compatibility Mode) - which is probably sensible - so you are saving in the older Word document format and need the .doc extension added to your document file names. Look at the bottom of your screenshot: there is the "Aggiungi estensione di file" (= Add extension to file name) option. You must have disabled that option earlier, and your copy of Microsoft Word has remembered your new choice. Just replace the tick in that box and Word will again add the .doc extensions for you automatically.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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