2010/5/28 Paul <paul.m...@gmail.com>

> Recently found a page that provided data which could be used to produce the
> following on the users mailing list.
> 29286 - Unique number of people that have posted to the mailing list
> 205089 - Total number of posts
> 7 - Average # of posts per user (std dev is 84.4 - which supports a highly
> skewed, peaked distribution).
> 2756.463 - Kurtosis
> 46.0032 - Skew
> [Kurtosis: Higher kurtosis means more of the variance is the result of
> infrequent extreme deviations, as opposed to frequent modestly sized
> deviations]
> [Skew: A positive skew indicates that the tail on the right side is longer
> than the left side and the bulk of the values lie to the left of the mean.
> A
> zero value indicates that the values are relatively evenly distributed on
> both sides of the mean, typically but not necessarily implying a symmetric
> distribution.]
> # of posts    # of people
> 1                18969
> 2                4543
> 3                1656
> 4                861
> 5                521
> 6                360
> 7                291
> 8                210
> 9                166
> 10              131
> 11-20          648
> 21-50          459
> 51-100        211
> > 101         260
> Thought I'd pass it on...  Some may find it interesting.
> /paul

Thanks, Paul, the stats were indeed interesting. It would seem that most
users post only a few times - to ask a single question and perhaps to
further discuss the issue if the answer was not clear, while at the other
end we see a significant number of people who devote themselves to helping
others. Not unexpected, but nice to get it confirmed....


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