At 15:47 05/06/2010 -0400, Twayne Noname wrote:
XP Pro and NOF 11

Is there a way to set a new Style other than "Next Page". e.g. how do you switch styles in mid-page and then back again? I'm probably not well caffeine injected yet, but I can't seem to do it.

Yes: you can change styles in mid-page - but it sounds as if you are trying to change *page* styles in the middle of a page. Is that so? That would make no sense, since a page style sets properties for a page, not part of one. There would be no meaning, for instance, to changing the paper size in mid-page, or the presence or contents of the header or footer.

You probably need to use paragraph styles, character styles, frame styles, or whatever. You can change style in these cases without necessarily using Next Style. Or you may be able to achieve what you need using sections.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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