Mark C. Miller - wrote:
OK - I read the pages in the User's Guide and tried to do this, but I
still can't get the second page only to use bullets and the page
numbering to start on page 3.

I've opened the "styles and fomatting" window, gone to page, and created
three page styles:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Body

Each has margins of 1" all the way around. It needs to have the title in
large font at the top of the page and the standard student assignment
information in the lower left hand side of the paper so that the last
line is on the 1 inch margin. I enter my text on the appropriate lines
(there's a lot of white space in the middle of the page). "Body" has a
footer where I want the page number to appear.

Next I enter the page heading "Table of Contents" centered on the page,
then turn on bullets and enter my page numbers.

Finally I begin typing my text.

With text entered in all three segments, I go back to the first page and
place the cursor at the first letter of the paper's title, then double
click on "Cover Page" -- near as I can tell from the reading, that
should apply the page style not only to that page, but the rest of the
paper as well.

Next I scroll down the page until I reach the end of the student
identification information. To the left of the last character I insert a
manual page break, with the style "Table of Contents".

Finally, I move to the left of the last line of the page numbers, insert
a manual page break, list "Body" as the style, turn on page numbering
beginning with page #3.

What do you mean by "turn on page numbering"? How are you doing that?

You need to turn on the footer for the page style (Format > Page, then on the "Footer" tab tick "Footer on" and click OK). There should be a light grey box at the bottom of the page - that's the footer area. Click in it, then go to Insert > Fields > Page Number. The page number is shown with a grey background; that shows that it is automatically updated text (a field), it won't have a grey background when printed. You can change the font, size, alignment, etc. as usual.

What I get is the style "default" listed in "apply style" drop down
dialogue box on all three pages. The page styles I created are not
listed as options in the dialogue. So, I can't tell if my page styles
are being applied or not.

Which dialogue are you referring to here? If you mean Insert > Manual Break doesn't show your styles, check that you have defined them as page style and not paragraph styles. If you mean the "Styles and Formatting" pane, you need to click the "Page" icon across the top and it should highlight the style of whichever page the cursor is on.

I don't get a page number in the Body (page 3) of the document.

See above about enabling the footer and inserting page number.

If I go back to insert page number while in the footer of page number
three, the page numbeer appears back on the cover page, beginning with #3.

That's exactly what you need to do to insert the page number. However it does sound like the page style hasn't actually been changed, hence the same footer is applied to all pages. How exactly are you inserting the manual page breaks?

You should:
- place the cursor where you want the break to be
- go to Insert > Manual Break
- select "Page break" for the Type
- select the style ("Table of Contents" or "Body") for the next page from the list under "Style"
- leave "Change page number" unticked
- check that all settings are still shown as you need them
- click OK.

You probably don't want to use the "Change page number" option even for the body, as that would start numbering the body at page 3 even if your contents runs to several pages (pushing the body to page 4). That option is more more useful if, for example, you want the body to start numbering as page 1, so the cover and contents are not counted in the page number.

I've spent the past hour trying to make this work, re-read the user's
manual (I have a hard copy of the on-line manual), searching the
internet, and experimenting with my document.

All I want is three page styles with page numbering starting with the
third page of the document.

I'll take any direction anyone wants to supply; at this point I'm
throughly frustrated. I really like OOo, but I can't believe this is so
difficult. I guess with anything powerful, this is to be expected.

I appreciate your help, especially when it takes me a page and a half to
say "help?.

No problem at all. The more detail you can give as to what you want to do, what's not working, what you've already tried, where you've looked for answers, etc., the easier it is for other people to help you (and therefore more likely that they will).


Hope that helps.

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