
I did these steps to import my Word´s dictionary:
I´m using the Brazilian Portuguese version, so the name of the files
could be different, but it doesn´t matter too much...

1. I looked for a file called usuarios.dic (perhaps the name is
users.dic) in the folder c:\program files\microsoft office\office.
2. Then, I opened this file and copy all the words.
3. I went to the folder: C:\program files\OpenOffice.org 1.9.79\share\dict\ooo
I´m using the Open Office version 2.0 (beta)
4. I opened the file en_US.dic with the Open Office. The Open Office
asked me the parameters to open the file. I didn´t change any, I just
clicked the button OK.
5. I went to the end of file and paste the words that I've copied from
my dictionary in Word.
6. I saved the file and close the Open Office, including the quickStarter.

I holp these steps help you. 


On 6/21/05, Russell Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Kupfer OOo wrote:
> > Chuck Peck wrote:
> >
> >> I have a large medical dictionary I user with MS Word. I would like to
> >> use
> >> it with Open Office 1.4. I've not been able to figure out how to get a
> >> simple txt list of words into some kind of file that Open Office can
> >> use as
> >> a dictionary file.
> >>
> >> Chuck
> >
> >
> > Chuck --
> >
> > I was editing some documentation and I ran across some steps to import a
> > dictionary. Could you help me about and walk through the steps listed in
> >  this first half of this file, link below, and see if they work?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > http://oooauthors.org/en/authors/userguide2/migration/OtherMSOFiles_LMH_21_June_PK.sxw/download
> >
> >
> > P.S. -- You can record your changes by selecting *Edit > Changes >
> > Record, then you can e-mail me the file or just your comments if that is
> > easier for you, when you are completed.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> Hi Peter
> I was interested to see this link, as I have been playing around with a
> specialist dictionary. I realise my comments are about the macro you
> referenced, rather than your page.
> I tried it under Linux, and it seems to suffer from the 2000 word limit
> of a "user" dictionary. I have seen other references to this, and I feel
> it would very likely NOT be useful for someone  porting a large
> dictionary file from MS Word.  I loaded a 4000 word dictionary, but the
> macro stated that 2000 words were added. When I opened the dictionary
> via Tools-Options-Language Settings-Writing Aids-Edit  only down to the
> "i" entries was displayed.
> In my comment on this thread
> http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=93838
> there are instructions for loading a larger file as a specialist dictionary
> Regards
> Russell
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