Alvin Beach wrote:

I am resending this email (See original below) to the list. I am hoping that this issue can/will be resolved. I have attached a sample ODT and its PDF file. The ODT contains one (1) line of text and a footnote.

Many thanks,


When I export a Writer document that contains auto-incrementing fields
(e.g. Footnotes, Captions, etc.) to PDF, I cam unable to print the PDF
using Adobe Acrobat (Windows or openSUSE Linux).

I tried using pdfopt (from ghostscript-library-8.70-14.1.i586 RPM) and
get get this error message:

**** Warning:  File has an invalid xref entry:  4.  Rebuilding xref table.

Perhaps that might help identify the problem?

My current work around is not to use the auto-incrementing fields.
When I do, I have to make a copy of the ODT and replace the fields
with manual values (a real pain cause I have several dozen -
Footnotes, captions, references to sections, etc.). Then, the exported
PDF of the ODT copy prints without any problems.

Anyone know of another workaround/solution so I can keep the
auto-incrementing fields?

My system
openSUSE 11.3
KDE 4.4.4 release 2 3.2.1 build



It exported and printed fine for me (VistaHP, OOo 3.1.1).

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