2010/8/15 Einde O'Callaghan <eind...@freenet.de>

> On 15.08.10 21:07, Rob Clement wrote:
>> On 14/08/2010 22:52, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> I attempted to update to OO 3.2 this evening and now have no program I
>>> can use at all. The installation program deleted the existing OO 3.0 but
>>> just before completion it informed me that I didn't have permissions to
>>> make a change to the registry and then deleted everything that it had
>>> installed. My account is actually the admin account on this laptop
>>> although the account isn't called admin - I launched the installation
>>> program as the admin. I never had any problem with previous updates and
>>> today I've tried to instal the update both for all users and for my
>>> account alone without success. Does anybody have any idea what I can do
>>> to instal OO 3.2? Or indeed any other version as I desperately need a
>>> word processing program by Monday at the latest!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Einde

>> I cannot see anyone else trying to solve your problem so I will try.
>> Firstly can you please tell us your operating system and where you
>> downloaded the 3.2 version of OOo from.
>>  Sorry, I forgot to say that its Windows Vista. I downloaded it using the
> update function in my OO 3.0. If I'd realised that I'd have this trouble I'd
> have left it as it was as it was functioning fine, but I kept getting the
> reminders and thought "Why not?" - more fool me!
>  I am going to assume that you have some flavour of Windows. If I am
>> wrong then I am sorry. If you right click on your OpenOffice install
>> file then you will see the option "Run as administrator". This may be
>> counterintuitive as you are already the administrator but it is worth a
>> try.
>>  I'vr already done that - it doesn't work - Right at the end it tells me I
> don't have the rights to alter a certain entry for the Base .exe file - and
> it does this even if I don't try to instal base!
>  If this does not help then please reply to the list and someone else may
>> be able to help you
>>  I did get a reply offlist, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get
> the suggestion to work either. :-(((
> Thanks for your suggestion, Einde

Einde, have you tried uninstalling OOo from your machine - using the
standard Vista Control Panel option to do so - and then re-installing 3.2.1
for the desired language from this source :


This should do the trick !...


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