Good morning
I am sure, I will make myself with this question - which I actually
posted already 2-3 times in the past - the most unpopular person on the

Toggle functions/features.
Hit F5 -> get the navigator; hit F5 again -> the navigator disappears.
Ctrl+shift+p -> superscript; Ctrl+shift+p -> superscript back to normal.

The first example is a function, the second a font attribute. THIS
apparently works.
I have tried in the past to assign a key combination to "highlight" text
and then remove the highlight.
Upon asking, I was told, the ONLY way to achieve this is by creating
**TWO DIFFERENT** macros.
THAT is what I did and currently use.

But isn't this rather stupid (mysterious):
I CAN toggle the font attribute "superscript" with the SAME key ON/OFF
But I can NOT toggle the font attribute "highlight" ON/OFF.
(I have been working on this for a very long time already ...)


Never in the past when I posted this question has anyone attempted (not
to mention succeeded) to answer this question.
And, as a matter of course, this feature is available in almost ALL
other software that I use/know.

Anything that makes sense would be highly appreciated. Even this were
not possible technically (rather difficult to believe!), I would like to
know the REASON instead of quietely dealing with this schizophrenic

Thank you.

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