Currently my whole bookkeeping system for my business is in the form of Calc spreadsheets and I am in the process of building an OOo Base bookkeeping system to better handle the growing diversity of my accounting needs.

When I produce an invoice I currently fill in a Calc spreadsheet invoice template and it does all the calculations for me (tax, sub-totals, total price, etc). Of course, when I print this out to send to the customer, I can electronically save a copy in my INVOICES folder for future reference.


In Base, how do I save a copy of an invoice to a customer? - or don't I? - with it being re-generated every time I wish to consult it?

Currently, when I receive an invoice _/from/_ a supplier, I scan it and and save it in my BILLS TO PAY folder - how can I save that scan in a Base database?

I look forward to hearing from the wise among you.

kind regards,


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