2010/8/31 Tom Stafford <tgstaf...@yahoo.com>

> I am having a terrible time downloading Open Office. It may be my
> connection. I am located in Costa Rica and my Internet connection is through
> my cell phone. Its speed is approximately 490bps. could that be the problem?
> I note that the box box at the bottom of my screen says, at this moment,
> that there are 14 hours, 30 minutes remaining but that changes frequently to
> sometimes as much a 1 day remaining. any ideas or is there another to way
> download or receive Open Office? I have tried downloading to a disc but have
> not had much more success.
> Ciao,
> Tom Stafford de Rancho Lobo (or is that Loco?)

Tom, you might want to check out the following :


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