Den 2010-09-02 18:39:14 skrev RA Brown <>:

Adam wrote:
Thanks Andy, I will try to explain my problem.
I started a document and have outline numbered paragraphs with:
 Before Text 1.27cm
 First line -0.64cm

So this is the current "default" settings.

and all paragraphs in the document have this formatting style as defined in
the style named *Default*. Now I want to change this to say:
 Before Text 2.00cm
 First line -0.13cm

Did you right click on the "default" paragraph style and select 'Modify'? Make the changes and click the OK button to close and save the changes?

If so that should have changed the "default" used when starting a new document. To use this style in an existing document you need to update the document.
and have this new formatting applied to all paragraphs using the style named

To update the current document, click the "New Style from Selection" icon on the upper right of the Styles and Formatting window. Then click on the 'Update Style' menu item. That should then make the needed changes to the document.

Hoping I have explained the problem well enough for you to understand.

I hope this helps, if not let me know and we will work through it.

As I mentioned in my first email I followed the help on the F11 "Styles and
Formatting" and "Edit
Paragraph Style" etc but can't get it to work.

Lets see if this works.

I hope we don't confuse him, since we are obviously trying to help at the same time but in different ways…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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