In a message dated 2010.09.05 02:29 -0500, Jeffrey Needle wrote:

JBF, when I saw Jeffrey's question I recalled having the same problem,
fixed by turning off one of Writer's many automagical features which are
on by default - but I could not remember where.  ...

Menu Tools>   Autocorrect options>   Tab Options

That is, menu:  "Tools">  "Autocorrect Options">  "Options" tab -
correct? Sorry to be so pedantic about that, but it's because even
after looking at that tab ..., I still don't see which option turns
that behavior on/off - so I'm wondering if I understood correctly.
Can you fill in the blank, please?

If I may ... there's a check box labeled

Apply numbering -- symbol: *

Uncheck that, and the behavior ends.

I wish that were the key. (I had looked at it earlier.) Actually, as I said, I was annoyed at that behavior when I first started to use Writer, and changed /something/ to get rid of it, but can't remember what it was. IAC, that option box is *checked* - and I still don't have that auto-numbering behavior.

John <wishing I had a memory>

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