On 2010-09-23 2:40 PM, Ismaël Grammenidis wrote:
> I can understand the frustration, and you do have a point. But this
> is not the right topic for this discussion. We need to prioritise
> certain things. The logo is the top priority at this point.

The logo. Right. Having the right logo is really going to make the
difference with respect to USERS and the branding of OOo.

The major usability problem created by this decision (to ignore the
obvious fact that it was a bad decision to switch to greyscale icons and
to resolve the issue by simply switching back) is absolutely and without
question a branding problem. Do you not understand that every day that
goes by, someone decides to download the latest version of OOo, gives it
a try, and the first thing they see is that the icons are greyscale,
which causes a lot of laughter while they are uninstalling it (because
it is 'old fashioned', 'doesn't support color', 'not modern', etc etc
are the ones I've heard). I know - I have had people tell me this. I no
longer even recommend Openoffice, and will not start doing so again
until this is fixed, and I am not alone in this.

> That way the general branding guidelines can be finished as well.

Until the color icons are returned, OOo branding is BROKEN.

> This will include the logo usage guidelines and others important
> things like secondary colours etc. Once those secondary colours are
> defined, we can start completing the entire re-branding process (like
> icons).

> It is useless to add colours now and change it later because of the
> branding guidelines.

I get so tired of hearing this... it simply is not true. Just bring the
old ones back now (or preferably, colorize the new ones using the same
colors as the originals), then you can take your time with what you will
replace them with. There is absolutely ZERO reason why you cannot do
this, except one - someone doesn't want to.

The fact that no one in a position to do something about this HASN'T
done anything about this just reflects on the impression that most of us
have had about the OOo process for the many years - none of the OOo
developers give a rats behind what the users want or think.

> It will only confuse people even more and it would be negative for
> the image that we want to create.

This is merely your opinion, and it is quite simply WRONG. Proof? Read
the bug discussion for Issue 112141. This issue broke all records for votes:

1. confirmed by votes after only 40 MINUTES

2. more than 100 votes in one WEEK, and

3. with 242 votes, now, after less than 4 MONTHS, has more votes than
   any/all other issues save 3 - and all 3 of those were opened more
   than 9 YEARS ago, which means they probably will never be resolved.

So, please, don't tell me this isn't important to the user base, isn't a
branding issue, and, aside from purely political/personal motivation(s),
cannot be at least temporarily resolved by reverting to the previous
icons or colorized versions of the new ones.

Oh, and as for this comment:

On 2010-09-23 4:28 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
> I had begun a long response, too, to B's post, but got distracted by
> the usual insect buzz of other things demanding more.

This illustrates precisely my above point about the developers not
caring what the users want or think.

My comments about this issue are very on point for OOo branding, and are
NOT 'insect buzz', save to those with their heads stuck in the sand.

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