In OOo 3.0, I could select a range of cells using shift & right-arrow
and down-arrow, then Ctrl-C to copy, and when I moved the cursor down,
it would move down relative to the top-left of the block, and I could
paste it all one line down. Now in 3.2.0, when I press the down arrow
after copying, the cursor goes down from the bottom-right of the
block! This may sound like a minor, superficial change, but when you
have habits formed that you execute rapidly then this kind of change
can completely throw off your rhythm.

I have looked around the Preferences dialog but can't find any options
that relate to this. Does anyone know if this is a hidden behavioural
option that I can change back, because right now I am sorely tempted
to revert to 3.0!

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?

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