Le 2010-09-28 15:32, Tim Lungstrom a écrit :
Well looks like one tech news/blog site thinks that OpenOffice.org is
doing some of the things I was wondering about.

OpenOffice.org forsakes Oracle, forms new foundation and fork

By Paula Rooney | September 28, 2010, 6:22am PDT

' "At the time, I asked Oracle if it also intended to scrap OpenOffice
development but the official response was 'No Comment." '

' He noted that Oracle may own rights to the OpenOffice trademark but
the code is released under a free and open license. '

[ me: So if Oracle own the name OpenOffice.org and they "scrap" the
project, then are they
going to turn over the OOo name to the OOo community, or are they going
to just tell
the community that OOo is no longer being allowed to be used.  Maybe
that is why developers
are creating the LibreOffice software fork.  Oracle will then not own
the name of this
office suite, like they do OpenOffice.org ]


At this point, the Document Foundation is hoping that Oracle will be kind and donate the "OpenOffice" trademarked name to them. If this is done, the Document Foundation will then abandon the "LibreOffice" name and go back to the "OpenOffice" name. At this point, OpenOffice has a great brand name that is recognized the world over. Let's hope that Oracle will be generous enough to join the Document Foundation and participate. This would create fewer disturbances in the OpenOffice development. But, if they do not donate the name to the Document Foundation, then the "LibreOffice" name will be kept and it will then be officially known as a fork of OpenOffice. At this point, the Document Foundation doesn't consider the LibreOffice as a fork but just as a temporary name change of the community software till Oracle decides what it will do with the OpenOffice name which they own.



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