2010/10/3 John Kennedy <skeb...@gmail.com>

> Barry
> Thank you. It is nice to know all my hard work and dedication has been
> recognized.
> I wish you the same good fortune.
> All,
> (I so love keeping this thread open and going. Barry is so entertaining in
> a Neanderthal, can't read the bottom of my email kind of way.)
> I am begging that the moderators do NOT unsubscribe Barry from this list.
> Keep him here as long as you can...If not, maybe when he finally goes we can
> all CC him on all the list emails...
> John

Have to disagree with you on this one, John ; while «Barry Kahn»'s behaviour
is inexcusable, I think it would be unwise to utilise the list as an
instrument of torture. The main thing is to get him off the list as soon as
possible, so that it can be used for the purposes for which it was


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