On 5 November 2010 16:10, James Watts <jwa...@cmcu.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I know that Open Office is free, and I was under the assumption that was
> for any scenario. But I was told that businesses may have to pay in-order to
> use it. I wanted to know if this was true and if so, how much does it cost?
> Thank you for your help!
> James Watts
It's free. To download, to use and/or to give to others. That's true
regardless of who you are or who you represent. You may read the licence, or
get your lawyer to read and interpret it for you, at

However, there are companies who charge for OpenOffice.org. Some of these
are legitimate in that they offer additional facilities such as on-site
training and/or support; or CD's for sale at reasonable prices to those with
slow and/or expensive and/or unreliable internet connections. Some, though
are morally illegitimate in that they try to take pecuniary advantage of the
unwary and ignorant. Caveat emptor.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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