Thanks for the kind words Olivia.

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Michael Adams,

Your reply was of great help to me, especially as it was detailed and clear:)

Many thanks,
Liv Hilton Blaise.

> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 18:17:17 +1300
> From:
> Subject: Re: [users] Open Office
> To:
> CC:
> On Friday 12 November 2010 07:16, Olivia Hilton wrote:
> > OpenOffice,
> >
> > Just a thought, but is there a chance of picking up a virsu from
> > downloading OpenOffice?
> Yes, definately! But if you treat it in the same way you treat any download
> then you minimise the risk to an acceptable level.
> 1. Download the file from an acceptable (accepted) source. See:
> 2. Check the MD5SUM of your downloaded file:
> A "MD5sum" is a calculated total of all the byte values within the download
> file. It is extremely hard to fake.
> 3. Right click on the file. Most modern virus checkers set up a right click
> entry during the virus checkers install which allows you to check
> individual files from the context (right click) menu. This virus checking
> option will unpack and check the compressed files if it can (and for most
> common compression methods it can).
> 4. Install by opening the file in the normal way. Doubleclick it as an
> administrator (or if your doubleclick is not to good like mine then click
> once and tap the enter key).
> NOTE: During the install process Windows may spout some bull about the
> program being untrusted. This is because companies have to pay Microsoft to
> be a "Trusted" developer of programs. This payment does not really ensure
> that a trusted companies programs are any safer than others.
> --
> Michael

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