Hello John,

On Monday 29 November 2010, 23:05, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> >you do
> >
> >] swriter
> >
> >or
> >
> >]./swriter
> >
> >if the folder is not on the path, only the second one works.
> Both commands gave error messages that the command could not be found.
> I did the command from within the folder where the swriter binary is
> located.

this is rare. If these files were correctly installed, they should be 
executable, so ./program_name should work from the within the folder where 
program_name is located. 

> >> I tried reinstalling, but yum said all the packages are already
> >> installed. That is, except I didn't reinstall the desktop integration
> >> package. I suspect reinstalling it might cure the problem,
> >
> >You will have to edit /etc/yum.conf  and add:
> >exclude=openoffice.org-ure
> >or better
> >exclude=openoffice.org*
> >
> >in the [main] section
> Done. Although now that the Fedora 13 > 14 upgrade has taken place I
> probably have the wrong ure file.

try commenting that line in yum.conf, once you solved everything and 
reinstalled OOo from OOo site, add it again.

> >IMHO the better thing to do is a clean install.
> >First remove everything:
> >
> >[r...@localhost ~]# yum erase openoffice.org*
> This worked, but threw errors on three packages, all with UNO in the
> name.

yum erase with  the * at the end of the name should have erased everything 
whose name starts with  openoffice.org (well , not really everything, sometimes 
you have to remove /opt/openoffice* manually because some shared extensions may 

Do you have yumex? This is a graphical UI for yum. It may help uninstall 
everything related to OOo and then do a full clean reinstall.

> >then reinstall everything.
> >Untar the package downloaded from OOo, go to the RPMS folder, do a
> >
> >[r...@localhost ~]# yum localinstall openoffice.org*
> Installed two or three packages, then errored out that everything else
> was already installed.

you have to let yum resolve the dependencies between all the packages on that 
folder. That's why you use openoffice.org*
This tells yum "install every package with a name that starts with 
openoffice.org and solve the dependencies by yourself"

That's why you should use erase and localinstall with the openoffice* 
Otherwise, you have to know the packages dependencies if you want to manually 
install package by package.

> I think you meant "rpm," not "yum." Yum would get everything from the
> repos. Rpm would install the packages in the folder, right?

no, I mean yum :-)
If you use rpm directly, you always get the warning about the database
altered from outside.
yum localinstall performs installation of local rpms (of course, first cd to 
the folder where the rpms are located).

> So I repeated yum erase openoffice.org* and then did rpm --install
> openoffice.org. This errored out on failed dependencies (oobasis3.2*).

now I see it! dummy me, the packages have different naming scheme, just look at 
the rpms names:


To clean up everything, do a

yum erase openoffice* ooobasis* 

and to install do a

yum localinstall ooobasis* openoffice*

> Then I decided to install with the setup script. I did ./setup. I got:

oh I never tried this script... I had the feeling it will never work.

> >then go to the desktop integration folder and install the one for
> >RedHat (notice that the one for FreeDesktop should work, because Fedora
> >is supposed to follow the FreeDesktop standard).
> I didn't get this far. But at least now I know to install the one for
> Redhat when I finally get OOo reinstalled.
> Gracias por la ayuda. Now I understand what caused the mess when I
> upgraded Fedora 13 to Fedora 14, and I have fixed the exclusions so it
> doesn't happen again. But I still need help to get OOo reinstalled.

yum erase openoffice* ooobasis* 
(from within any directory)
yum localinstall ooobasis* openoffice*
(from within the RPMS dir. of the unpacked tar)

hope it helps now! :-)

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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